Offering Words of Affirmation
Giving words of affirmation is one way to nurture your relationship through showing your partner how much you respect them, appreciate them, and love them. When you offer words of affirmation, you show your partner that you are choosing to be with them, and help them see why they are special to you. Words of affirmation help to solidify a secure attachment and create more emotional intimacy. A little can go a long way, but the more specific you can get, the better!
1. I love you so much.
2. You are so [beautiful/handsome/attractive].
3. I love how [smart/funny/kind/supportive/thoughtful] you are.
4. I’m so lucky to be with you.
5. I had so much fun doing _____ with you.
6. No one makes me [laugh as much/feel as happy/feel as safe] as you do.
7. Being with you makes me feel…
8. When you did ___ it impacted me in this way.
9. I love that I can be myself with you.
10. You’re one of my favorite people to be around.
11. I appreciated it when you…[cooked dinner/gave me reassurance/took out the dog].
12. Thanks for seeing what I needed.
13. You look so sexy when you…[wear that shirt/move in that way/smile/do something
14. I love it when you…
15. You did such a good job doing [this task/putting the kids to bed/a work project].
16. You’ve added so much to my life by… [being supportive of me/doing fun things with
me/being yourself].
17. I’m committed to being with you because… [you add so much to my life/I love you/
you mean so much to me].
18. You inspire me when you…[do this/say this/show me this].
19. I’ve learned so much from you about…[this].
20. You are so special to me.
Source: The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman